Italiako Bergamo hiria topagunea izan da Erasmus+KA2 Creative people for greener cities (MULTIGREEN) Europako proiektuan parte hartu dutenentzat. Bertan izan ziren irailaren 21ean eta 22an CIFP Mendizabala LHIIko ordezkariak. Hirugarren eta azken topaketa honetan, proiektuan lan egin duten beste zentroetako partaideekin bildu dira, Stredni škola, Saules skola eta Scuola d ‘arte A.Fantoni.
Ekimena 2021eko urtarrilean hasi zen, eta aurtengo abenduan amaituko da. Bi urte baino gehiago hauetan, ingurumenarekin eta klima-aldaketarekin lotutako erronken inguruan sentsibilizatzen saiatu gara. Proiektuak aukera eman die ikastetxeei nazioarteko lankidetzan esperientzia hartzeko eta beren gaitasun intelektual eta digitalak sendotzeko.
Azken topaketa honetan, proiektuaren balorazio orokorra egin da eta aurkeztutako lanen artean bideo irabazlea aukeratu da. Gainera, herrialde parte-hartzaileetako hirietan urritik azarora bitartean egingo diren ekitaldiak antolatzeko jarraibideak ezarri dira, proiektuaren emaitzak ezagutarazteko.
CIFP Mendizabala LHII from Vitoria-Gasteiz participates at the Erasmus+ KA2 project of the Cooperation Association, Cooperation Partnership Project No. 2021-1-LV01-KA220- VET-000030305 called “Creative People for greener cities” (Multigreen).
The other educational centers participating on this project are: Scuola d’arte A.Fantoni in Bergamo (Italy), Stredni škola in Brno (Czech Republic) and Saules skola in Daugavpils (Latvia), being the last one the coordinator.
The aim of this project is to support the sensitivity about the challenges related to the environment and climatic change in all the sectors. This action allows the participating organizations acquire experience on international cooperation and consolidate its intelectual and digital capacities. Moreover, it also allows creative and innovative tangible great quality outcomes during the previewed 26 months that the project lasts. This project started on 01/01/2021 and it will end on 31/12/2023.
The third Transnational Project Meeting has been celebrated during the 21st and 22nd September in Bergamo, Italy. The first meeting was celebrated in March 2022 in Daugavpils, Latvia and the second encounter took place in Vitoria-Gasteiz in March 2023. At this third and last encounter, representatives from each of the partner countries have participated, and we mainly focused on the summary of what we have done so far in the project, on the winners of the international video contest together with the corresponding prizes, on the recently finished handbook and, finally, on the multiplier event that each country will have to organize before December 1st 2023.
Furthermore, we had the opportunity to attend the Landscape Festival which took place during those days in Bergamo and we also visited the wonderful Lake Iseo and Monte Isola island, which is the biggest island in Europe inside of a lake.
The is the last of the three encounters that we needed to complete throughout the project so the last step will be to organize the multiplier event in each of the partners’ countries. This event will serve to disseminate what we have done during the project.