«Creative People for Greener Cities» Lankidetzarako Elkartearen (Multigreen) Erasmus+ proiektu europarra Mendizabala LHII LHII LHIko ikasle eta arduradunek osatzen dute, Bergamoko SCUOLA D ‘ARTE APPLICATA ANDREA FANTONIkoekin batera, (Italia), Daugavpilseko UN MĀKSLAS VIDUSSKOLA “SAULES SKOLA” (Letonia) eta Brnoko, STÄEDNÍ ŠKOLA UMÍ A DESIGNU A VYŠŠÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA BRNOkolakoekin batera (Txekia). Proiektuaren helburua da sektore guztietan ingurumenarekin eta klima-aldaketarekin lotutako erronkei buruzko sentsibilizazioa bultzatzea. Aurrez aurreko topaketei eta bilerei esker, parte hartzen duten erakundeek lankidetzan esperientzia lortu ahal izango dute Europa mailan.
The project is planned to demonstrate to learners and teachers of VET schools the opportunity to change and to improve the space around them by developing sustainable urban design ideas. People need to be inspired and motivated to change the place and quality of our life. Vet learners, young design professionals, may become leaders of environmental changes by efficient application of multimedia opportunities for better communication of design ideas within local communities and between communities on a European level. Young people are motivated to think about their surroundings not just in terms of lived or built space, but as a cohesive system in which humans have a central part to play.