Joan den azaroaren 17an KA2 “Creative People for Greener Cities – Multigreen” proiektuaren Multiplier Eventa ospatu zen Tknikan. Euskadiko Lanbide Heziketako hainbat zentrotatik etorritako 70 pertsonak baino gehiagok ikusi zuten ekitaldia, eta streaming bidez eman zen 50 ikusleren aurrean.
Ekitaldia Jon Labaka Tknikako zuzendariaren esker onekin hasi zen eta jarraian Javier Otxoa de Alaiza ikastetxeko zuzendariak eman zien sarrera Luis Nogales eta Javier Larrodari, azken bi urteotan Multigreen proiektuaren arduradunak izan direnei. Gainera, nazioarteko bideo-lehiaketaren hiru irabazleetako bik parte hartu zuten ekitaldian, eta haien saria jasotzeko aukera izan zuten “Rainwater Gathering” bideoari esker. Bideo horrek proiektuaren partaide guztien artean boto gehienak jaso zituena izan zen eta saria hegazkin-txartel bakoitzeko bale bat izango da, eta haiek aukeratutako ostatua. Dagokigun aldetik, zorionak Mendizabalako institutua hain ondo ordezkatzeagatik!
Sariaz gain, 26 hilabete hauetako lanaren emaitza izan den eskuliburu bikaina erakusteko aukera izan genuen. Hemendik aurrera eta abenduaren 31ra arte, geratuko zaigun azken urratsa eskuliburu hori herrialde parte-hartzaileetako hizkuntza guztietara itzultzea izango da, orain ingelesez bakarrik baitago.
Aurkezpenaren ondoren, bertaratutakoekin Multigreen proiektuari buruz hitz egiteko aukera izan genuen, mota guztietako pintxoekin.
(EN) Last November 17th, the Multiplier Event of the KA2 project “Creative People for Greener Cities – Multigreen” was held in Tknika. The event was attended by more than 70 people from different VET centers in the Basque Country and was broadcasted by streaming in front of more than 50 viewers.
The event began with the acknowledgement and welcoming from the director of Tknika, Jon Labaka, followed by the director of our VET school, Javier Otxoa de Alaiza, who introduced Luis Nogales and Javier Larroda, who have been in charge of the Multigreen project for the last two years. In addition, the event was attended by two of the three winners of the international video contest and they were presented with the prize that they will be able to enjoy thanks to their video called “Rainwater Gathering”, which was voted by the majority of all the project partners. The prize will be a voucher for a plane ticket for each of them and accommodation in a destination of their choice. As far as we are concerned, congratulations for representing the Mendizabala VET school so well!
Apart from the award, we had the opportunity to show everyone the magnificent manual that has been the result of the work of these 26 months. From now until December 31st, the last step we will have to take will be to translate the manual into each language of the participating countries, as it is now only in English.