Datorren ostiralean, azaroaren 17an, Tknikan ospatuko da gure Multigreen “Creative People for Greener Cities” KA2ko Multiplier Event-a. Bi urtez proiektuan lanean ibili ostean, proiektuaren emaitzak azalduko diren ekitaldi honekin proiektuaren amaierara helduko gara.
Tknikako ekitaldira nazioartekotzeko arduradunak izango dira bertan Mendizabalako Javier Otxoa de Alaiza zuzendariarekin batera eta proiektuan izan genuen nazioarteko bideo txapelketako bi ikasle egongo dira han baita ere.
Datorren ostiraleko ekitaldia streaming bidez emango da. Hortaz, nahi duenak emanaldia jarraitu ahal izango du eta ezagutu KA2 proiektu honetan egin diren ekintzak.
(EN) Next Friday, November 17th, the multiplier event of the KA2 project Multigreen “Creative People for Greener Cities” will take place in Tknika. After two wonderful years working on this project, it’s time to end it with this multiplier event where the dissemination of the project will be unfolded.
This event will be attended by the Erasmus + coordinators together with the principal of Mendizabala Javier Otxoa de Alaiza and two representative students from the international video competition, one of the main tasks within the project.
The event will be live via streaming. Therefore, anyone interested in the project may join us and learn what we created during these two years.