Our Vocational Training School CIFP Mendizabala LHII, is located in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) and offers a wide variety of vocational courses aimed at youngsters who wish to have a fast integration in the Labour Market and/or want to continue their studies at University. Furthermore, in collaboration with companies, we offer courses for Continuous Education and Lifelong Learning.
Middle Level Degree Programs offer the trainees the possibility to have a fast and comfortable access to the Labour Market and, at the same time, to give them the chance to continue studying a High Level Degree Program after taking an exam which is usually prepared at the same VET Colleges.
The duration of these studies is usually two years, together with an internship period in companies around our Institute or in companies in different European Countries for a period of three months and under the Erasmus program.
Graphic Art Print
Electric Automatic Installations
Installation of Telecommunication Equipment
Electromechanic installation, Machinery
Maintenance and Line Management
Welding and Metalwork
Mechanical Production
Cars Bodywork
Electromechanical Vehicle Repair and Testing
The Specialization Course in Vocational Training improves the training offering which is linked to emerging sectors of high employability and in constant updating.
It is a training that complements the professional profiles of those who already have a VET degree and require learning the latest innovations in their speciality.
The CIFP Mendizabala LHII offers the Middle Degree specialization course in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Maintenance, from the professional family of Vehicle Maintenance and Transportation. This course takes place during one academic year, and it establishes the performance of maintenance operations, assembly of elements and assemblies, troubleshooting, repair, verification and adjustment in vehicles with hybrid and electric propulsion systems.
Vocational Training Specialization Course: Hybrid and Electric vehicle maintenance.
High Level Degree VET Programs offer the students the possibility to have a comfortable and fast access to the Labour Market as a High Technician in the field they studied at College and also to give them the chance to gain access to University. They don’t need to take any particular exam to go directly to University.
In these studies which have a duration of two years, the students receive mainly training in the workshops and have the obligation to take an internship in a company for three months that can be developed nearby or abroad by means of the Erasmus program.
Design and Edition of Online and Printed Publications
Design and Graphic Production Management
Personal and Corporate Image Counselling
Fashion and Hairdressing Management
Automation and Industrial Robotics
Audiovisual Projects and Show Production
Production Programming in Mechanical Manufacture
Mechanical Manufacturing Design
Metal Constructions.
Industrial Mechatronics
Auto Mechanics
Teaching and Socio-sports Animation
is a training modality in which the student alternates education in the school with work in a company related to this training. The CIFP Mendizabala offers this training model, both to middle-grade and higher-grade students.
The VET in DUAL alternation, allows to adapt the teaching schedule so that the student takes professional training in the center, while carrying out a productive activity in the company. The dedication time between training and activity in the company can reach 40 hours per week, with a maximum of 8 hours per day.
Students have a contract (available for those under 25 years of age) or a scholarship (without age limit) for paid training, registered with social security, with bonuses and the exemptions provided, as an apprentice.
The company must tutor and evaluate the student in collaboration with the school.
CIFP Mendizabala LHII offers courses to unemployed people all through the year, to employees and also to the society in general as a way to facilitate the implementation of Lifelong Learning Policies in our Country.
Sometimes the companies in our environment ask our college to organize specific courses for their employees; others, the regional institutions ask to organize courses for different sectors of the society: courses for women, for youngsters, for people on third age, or for the unemployed.
Our college also offers different courses taking into account the needs of the Labour market and the trainees´ needs.
Apart from these courses we also offer help and advice to the employees who want their acquired competences to be recognized with experience at their work. Should it be necessary, we evaluate the competencies to finally get the certificate or degree in the speciality.
In the context of the Erasmus+ programme, a Key Action 2 (KA2) project is a Strategic Partnership.
This initiative involves cooperation between organizations from different countries to develop innovative practices, share knowledge, and address common challenges in the fields of education, training, and youth.
Our Vocational Training School is collaborating with different agents at different levels.
Locally, we maintain a close relationship with more than 1000 companies situated in our environment and collaborate in training programs, some of them organized on demand, and others offered by us. We also collaborate with the Town Hall and development agencies of our area.
At regional and provincial level we collaborate with the Basque Government through the Basque Employment Service-Lanbide, in the development of training programs aimed at trainers, women and young people. At the same time we are integrated in IKASLAN, the Public Association of Vocational Colleges from the Basque Country and take part in the development of Innovation projects with TKNIKA (Institute of Innovation for Vocational Education and Training).
At a national level we collaborate with the Viceministry of Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning in the implementation of the Educational Policies for this sector.
Companies and Vocational Schools have the same slang and share the same direction, where everybody gains: Dual Vocational Training in which our school is a participant, as well as, Confebask, Unions and the Basque Government to offer companies the type of worker they need.
We hold UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015/14001:2015, approved by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification AENOR. In 2005, we achieved silver the Q of excellence in the European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM model.
In the 2004-05 academic year, we obtained the National Award for Quality in Education.
We are holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and at an International level we take part in the International Programs Erasmus+ that enables the mobility of students and teachers. We send 3% of students abroad for internships of three months in “Training Companies” connected with the studies they developed in our School. The usual destinations of our students are: Austria, Italy, Ireland, UK, Germany, Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, Malta, France, Finland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Holland, Portugal, etc.…Besides, we maintain a close relationship with different partners in Europe and receive students for practical Training too.
History of the Mendizabala Institute participation in European Educational Programs